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What is Mother of Pearl? Meaning, Properties & Uses | Shiva Crystals

Discover the beauty of Mother of Pearl! Learn about its meaning, properties, uses in jewelry & décor, and its spiritual significance. Explore care tips and more at Shiva Crystals. What is Mother of Pearl? Introduction Mother of Pearl , or nacre, is the lustrous inner layer of mollusk shells (generally oysters and abalones). This organic substance is highly valued for its iridescent beauty and is widely used in jewelry, accessories and ornamental items. Mother of Pearl, in addition to its beauty, is also said to have healing and preservative properties, which is why it is in demand of the material both in luxury and in the spiritual practices. Understanding Mother of Pearl Mother of Pearl is a satiny iridescent material that develops within mollusks’ shells to act as a protective layer. Consisting largely of aragonite, it has the same architecture as pearls but not the same genesis.) Pearls are formed as solid spheres inside the mollusk, while Mother of Pearl coats the interior of t...

How Pyrite Stone Bracelets Attract Wealth and Prosperity

Within the area of crystal healing and metaphysical uses, pyrite stone is widely known as a lucky charm which brings wealth, money, and business into people’s lives.

Priced similar to iron due to its relatively low quantity per ton, pyrite is also known as ‘Fool’s Gold’ because of its gold like sheen but it is much more than a beautiful pebble, this stone holds energies that can assist people in the achievement of their financial potential and to develop and cultivate the attitude of prosperity.

Perhaps one of the greatest things that people can gain from pyrite is through the use of a pyrite stone bracelet.

5 Ways Pyrite Stone Bracelets Attract Wealth

In this article, we’ll discuss what pyrite is, its significance spiritually and psychologically, how it relates to the law of attraction, and how you can use the mineral to your advantage.

Pyrite Stone Bracelets Attract Wealth

1. Manifesting Abundance

Among the metaphysical uses of pyrite, the primary is attracting wealth. According to crystal healing, pyrite is used to remove restrictions and barriers of the mind that hinder financial abundance.

Thus, every time you wear the pyrite stone bracelet, you are encouraged to work towards the success that you desire in your life. Whether you set your sights on getting a raise, building a business, or just wanting to have a better way of life, pyrite guides you and encourages you.

I’ve noticed it builds confidence, self-esteem, and the idea that one is worthy of becoming financially rich. However, this kind of thinking has to change in order to attract wealth into your life.

2. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

Money tends to go where people do not believe that they are going to fail but rather follow through with success. Pyrite stone is known to encourage self-confidence and personal power, the two qualities that every person who is seeking to attract wealth should have.

When you have on the pyrite bracelet, the energy displaces doubt and fear, thereby making the individual take decisions that bring about financial increases.

Whether you’re trying to win a business deal, arguing for a raise, or daring to take a risk, pyrite gives you the assertiveness you need to pull through.

3. Enhancing Mental Clarity and Focus

Having clarity of mind is important for any decision you are going to make with your money. Pyrite has the effect of sharpening the mind and intensifying consequential thinking, thus helping you to graph strategically your financial inflows.

In any way you are handling money—from creating a budget for the month or a year to making investments or running a business—pyrite supports you as a reliable assistant.

Meditating with a pyrite stone bracelet on your wrist throughout the day is a small way to make sure your head is in the right place and ready for any and all challenges as they come.

4. Removing Negative Energy

As already mentioned, every kind of energy, positive and negative, conditioned both from the outside and inside, becomes a bar for attracting wealth.

Outside negative energy is a feeling, action or word of others which we consider to be negative, such as fear, doubt, jealousy, etc Outside negative energy is a desire of emotional energy which originates from the individual’s own actions, feelings or words, which may result in fear, doubt, jealousy, etc.

Inside negative energy is the negative energy coming from the feelings, action or statement originated from other folks and fear, doubt, jealousy, etc. It is also used as a protection stone that shields one from negativity from the outside world as well as helps one fight negativity from within.

Whenever all these negative energies are vanished into thin air, pyrite welcomes a good and wealthy energy into your life. But the best form of a reminder that you have to wear a pyrite bracelet is that your mind has to be heavy with positive power and richness or with richness, if this word is more pleasant for you.

5. Encouraging Hard Work and Determination

Pyrite has an active, fiery energy associated with it. It compel you to work hard and importune to succeed financially – all of which are attributes that define success. The presence of pyrite makes it easy for you to remain faithful to the set objectives even if you are faced with and obstacle.

If you are starting a business, job hunt, or seeking a financial opportunity, then a Pyrite bracelet would help keep you focused. In its vitality it inspires creation and promotes enterprising spirit that does not allow you to linger on barriers and ensures constant progress towards achievement of an aimed goal.

How to Use a Pyrite Stone Bracelet to Attract Wealth

After knowing how pyrite functions to attract wealth it is now important to know the proper way that you can use your pyrite stone bracelet. Here are a few steps you can take to align your energy with the wealth-attracting properties of pyrite:

1. Wear It Daily

If one wants to have an increased supply of this energy then one can wear pyrite on the wrist as a bracelet. This way only the vibrations of the stone remain directly connected to your body to change your mind and behavior for the better during the day.

Since Pyrite is believed being able to bring near your skin its energy then it will go round within your aura and make way for opportunities and wealth.

2. Set Your Intentions

When you put on the pyrite bracelet, there should be a specific goal that you want to accomplish financially. Whether you are planning to boost your savings, to attract job, or launching a business, point out your mind towards your particular objectives.

You may also make a brief meditation as you hold the pyrite bracelet and focus on having your financial desires come true. Intent plays the irreplaceable role to magnify the characteristic of attracting wealth of the stone.

3. Pair it with Affirmations

Positive confessions, therefore, play a crucial role in changing the way you think about abundance. When used together, they tend to powerful up your manifestation game when combined with the energy of pyrite.

Wear your pyrite bracelet and repeat affirmations such as:

  • "I am worthy of abundance and financial success."
  • "Money flows easily and freely into my life."
  • "I am confident in my ability to create wealth."

4. Place It in Your Workspace

If you have pyrite on a bracelet, for attracting wealth in your profession or enterprise, keep the pyrite at your place of work when you are not wearing the bracelet. Pyrite will improve expression of energy for creativity, motivation and success in your professional setting.

Moreover, it is purposed that having pyrite in one’s work place also has utility value in helping one to remain on course and persevere as one strives towards realizing the required financial outcomes.

5. Cleanse and Recharge Your Bracelet

As with all the crystals, pyrite holds energy from the environment, so its energy must be recharged or cleansed using particular methods. To wash you bracelet you should use plain water or pass it through smoke from burning of incense or sage.

In order to sexualize your pyrite bracelet, you need to put it under the noon sun for 3-4 hours. Sun rays are to revive the energy of the stone so that customers will continue to find it helpful in drawing wealth and good fortune.


A pyrite crystal bracelet goes way beyond being just a piece of jewelry – it is an amulet for financial abundance, wealth, and success. Its energetic ability entails the capability of clearing mental and emotional energy blocks, increase confidence and wealth consciousness.

Whether you want to expand your company or practice, advance in a career, or build a better life for yourself, having a pyrite bracelet as an accessory can be beneficial on your way.

If you start using this stone in your daily life, whenever you set an intention, and keep a positive attitude, you can definitely let the energy of pyrite work to the fullest for bringing in the money that you so rightfully deserve.

Authorise the might of this wondrous stone and direct your self towards the existence of monetary success that should already be yours.

Feel free to contact us for healing crystal bracelets in India and follow us on Facebook.


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